
Hi, I’m Len and this is my blog.

What makes me the right person to chat about science and why should you bother reading?

Well, I have a PhD in molecular biology and I communicate science for a living. Most of my experience and expertise is within the life science sector. I will probably stick to this unless I’m pretty confident I know what I am talking about. If not, rest-assured that can and will consult my fellow science geek chums to enlighten me as well as you.

I am British with a hefty chunk of Kiwi, currently living and working in Geneva, Switzerland. Outside of science I love the mountains – skiing and hiking are my faves. I have a husband and two cats (Boson and Charm). All three regularly have opinions on my work.

As an FYI and in the interest of total transparency, I am currently employed by a tobacco company so I will be avoiding all smoking-/vaping-related articles.