Kick off…

Science is complicated. I am a scientist and it’s complicated for me too. It is no wonder that the journalists who report science in the media sometimes get it wrong. Sometimes REALLY wrong, which would all be very forgivable if people didn’t read these news stories and base their life choices on them. Many just feel confused. Processed meats giving you cancer? Omega 3 supplements going to make you super intelligent? And what is the “Mediterranean Diet” anyway? All news stories like these are based on research from some of the world’s best minds, and yet their findings are often extremely poorly communicated.

Here, I am going to attempt to do things a little better by going back to the original research behind the news and translate it into something understandable for as many people as possible.

So, a bit about me – I have been in science all my working life. First in university, then in industry, NGOs, back to university, publishing and finally back to industry. All the way through, scientific writing and communication has been a huge part of what I do. Now I think its time to take what I have learned into the field… off we go!

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